Sunday, September 9, 2012

Vision Board Party

I did it!  I realized one of my dreams of launching out on faith and adding another element to my business portfolio--I hosted my first vision board party!  We laughed, shared and we DREAMED BIG DREAMS!

We made a list of our goals to be completed by the end of the year and we also counted all of our blessing that have occurred during the last 9 months.  We did this as a visual reminder for each of us of all that we have accomplished.  We talked about the word "revelation" and how it applies to our life dreams. The ladies were inspired, full of hope and promise--knowing that the Dream Giver was with them every step of the way.    

I wanted the party to be special, so I prepared a few of my favorite entree:


Pesto Pizza with Spinach, Peppers and Gouda Cheese 
Pita Points with Red Pepper Hummus

Chicken & Artichoke with a White Wine Sauce.
Steamed Green Beans with Carrot and Dill
Lisa's Pasta Salad

Fresh Fruit with Honey & Fresh Mint



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