Friday, May 25, 2012

Recipe for Braised Collard Greens

I made this recipe the other evening and I must say they were so  good! I got this recipe from the June issue of "O" magazine! 

2 lb of collard greens--large stems removed and leaves sliced.
1 Tbsp of olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 tsp of crushed red pepper
1 cup of vegetable or chicken stock
1/2 red onion
1/2 cup of green onion
2 tbsp of cider vinegar
Mrs Dash Seasoning
Black Pepper

In large pot, heat olive oil over medium heat until shimmering.  Add garlic and crushed red pepper, stirring occasionally until, until garlic is softened but not brown.  Add vegetable or chicken stock and bring to a shimmer.  Add onion and collard greens, stir in vinegar. Cook until collards are tender, 10-15 minutes.  Add Mrs Dash and Black pepper.

Lisa's notes:  After 10-15 minutes, the collards were not as tender as I liked them.  I ended up cooking them for about 1 hour.  They were not "mushy" but just right!  I added more crushed red pepper and a bit more vinegar!  They were hot and spicy....just the way I like them!  Enjoy and let me know how you like them!   

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